Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Learn About Cannabis 5 Resources for Parents & Caregivers

This section contains information about cannabis that can be useful for parents, guardians, and influential adults in the lives of adolescents and young adults. Click on each image below to learn more about cannabis products, youth cannabis youth trends, the effects of cannabis on the developing brain, and how parents and adults can have a positive impact on the youth in their lives.

Image of a vape - with title that reads "21st Century Cannabis"

21st Century Cannabis

Different cannabis products
and how they are used

Data graph and title that reads "Youth Cannabis Trends"

Youth Cannabis Trends

Data on youth cannabis use
in Washington State

Hands cupping a cutout image of a brain - title reads "Impacts on Adolescent Brains"

Impacts on Adolescent Brains

Effects that cannabis has
on young brains

Mom with daughter in front of laptop computer - with title that reads "Reducing Youth Cannabis Use"

What Increases Youth Risk?

Many factors impact whether or not adolescents choose to use cannabis

Mom with daughter in front of laptop computer - with title that reads "Reducing Youth Cannabis Use"

Reducing Youth Cannabis Use

How to start conversations about cannabis with your teen